AqModels are high-fidelity software missile models with defined characteristics including structure, guidance, data parameters, mechanization, lofting and vertical trajectory shaping, weapon employment zone calculations, and validated threat level AIs. When deployed these characteristics determine the AqModel’s behavior for runtime simulations in a multitude of applications.

A single AqLab desktop application can produce AqModels for use by any user with an AqModel license. Once an AqModel is produced, verified, accredited and released by the AqLab application, its characteristics are locked. This allows stakeholders across modelling supply chains to use an identical model without altering its make-up, ensuring unwanted changes cannot be made to the accredited model and anomalies do not enter the model supply chain.

By allowing multiple end-user groups to work with identical models, Avioniq’s AqLab and AqModel ecosystem provides a significantly shorter model production and development cycle, and enables organisations to train and operate more effectively and efficiently, both internally and with external partners.

AqModels replicate the performance of missiles and weapon platform models configured in Avioniq’s AqLab visualization tool, including:

• Air-to-ground missiles

• Air-to-air missiles

• Ground-to-air missiles

• Cruise missiles

• Hypersonic missiles

• Guided bombs

• Loitering munitions

• Manned combat aircraft


• GBAD systems

AqModels can be fully analyzed at every stage of the simulation, delivering an order of magnitude improvement for sensitivity and uncertainty analysis applications.

Multiple applications: High-fidelity AqModels can be used to accurately and efficiently simulate optimal performance and precision outcomes for a range of applications, including:

Military training: Use aircraft and missile AqModels in simulator-based training facilities – both man-in-the-loop and Computer Generated Forces (CGF)-controlled applications to maximize training output and overcome limitations in current simulation-based training methods.

Large Monte Carlo simulations & black box solvers: Create extensive data sets for use in AI-driven Decision Support Systems. AqModels use verifiable AI to augment decision making by the operator, to the equivalent of running 10,000 simulations per second for 24 hrs, for each missile model.

Live on-board simulation for fighter aircraft: Display missile fly-out path, including continuous p-Kill calculation and presentation.

Research projects: Create bespoke missile/aircraft models with customizable code to support military, government and industry research and development projects.

Fast & efficient: AqModels are extremely fast to execute: they run at 100,000+ times real-time - approximately 10 to 100 times faster than other market options. They make economical use of computing resources (CPU and memory), running on a single CPU while maintaining fidelity, enabling them to be used for live “on-the-edge” simulation in fighter aircraft applications.

Customizable classification: AqModels are parameter/data driven, so the executable model library file can be kept UNCLASSIFIED. It only becomes SECRET when combined with SECRET parameters, which can be stored separately on the target platform. This maximizes flexibility of use and maintains sovereignty and user intellectual property, even when models are being shared across user groups, such as during cross-national training applications.

Platform & architecture agnostic: AqModel is written in MISRA/AUTOSAR compliant C++ and runs on almost any platform, including Mac OS X, Windows, Linux, Embedded; and on any architecture, including x86, Sparc, Power PC and Arm.





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